CGA ended in the early March. Over the past few weeks as I moved to Des Moines and started to think about what was next I also looked back at what I had learned. The past 5 months God taught me so much. He taught me was to be confidant in the person he made me to be. After these going through life in Georgia these past 5 months I feel as though I am stronger in my faith, freely able to forgive others, love others as Christ did. I truly feel prepared to walk in the footsteps of my savoir and be a servant leader for His kingdom.
Towards the end of something, gradating high school, end winter, leaving a job, finishing college; it seems that people always ask, what’s next? You’re almost finished with one thing and ready to go on to the next. Maybe it’s human nature, because I feel like we all do it. We always want the next step. I use to be a 5-year planner. If you would have asked graduating high school Abbi what she saw in her future she would have been able to tell you in detail what the next 5 years would look like. But I soon learned that’s not how life works. God often doesn’t give us a detailed 5 year plan, but little doors or foot steps that show us the way. I’ve learned that its better to walk in Gods little foots step, then plan 5 years ahead with out Him.
So what’s my next step, I know you dying to know. Well, so am I. HAH I can’t give you a synopsis about what my life will look like these next two years, this next year or the next six months. I do know that I will walk hand in hand God to figure it out.
What I do know is this June I will be going to FRANCE!!! Some of may know that I have a unique love for France. So I am supper excited to have the opportunity to minister to the people of France. If you would like to hear more about France that mission work I will be doing there, please email me (
What I do know is in July I will be going to Ecuador. I will be one of three leaders going on the trip. The trip is for 14-18 year olds, for two wonderful weeks. If you know of any high school looking to do some good this summer send them to:
I am fundraising for both trips. The trip to France is through my church, New Life Fellowship. I need to raise $2,000 to go. The trip to Ecuador is through Adventures in Mission. They are asking leaders to raise half of what the participants have to raise. I need to raise $1497. I will be sending out news letter/fundraising letter soon. If you want one please email me your email address or your home address. I will also be posting the newsletter on this blog page so look out for that.